Friday, October 31, 2008

Too Cool for Their Mom! Whatever!

Yesterday I went to Brooke and Chase's school for their Halloween parties. They had a costume parade first out front for parents. So, I watched as Chase's class came by. I waved and smiled and he waved and smiled back, "Hi Mommy!" Then, a few minutes later, Brooke's 4th grade class came by. I know she saw me but she turned her head away really quick and pretended I wasn't even there! What??? She has always been the kid that begs me to come to every field trip and practically jumps into my lap when I do show up. And, even Megan doens't mind her mom at her school (she's in 5th grade) so I have never experienced this kind of "too cool for my mom" attitude.
When the parade was over I took some treats to Chase's classroom then hurried to Brooke's. I got there before her class returned from the parade and decided I wouldn't go in because she was so embarrassed. So, I called her over by her door and said something like, "Do you not want me to come in?" She snatched the treats out of my hand, said, "NO!" and turned around and ran into her classroom!
So, in the car on the way home from school I told Brooke that I understand if she doesn't want me in her classroom but she does not have any reason to treat me with disrespect or be rude. (Here is the whole point of this long story....) To which Chase says, "Yeah Brooke! I was embarrassed that Mommy was at school too, but at least I talked nice to her!"


Dawn said...

Oh! I hope my kids never grow up! I just helped out at a Kindergarden party and she was not too cool at 5! I wonder how long that will last???

Melanie said...

What?? Wasn't it just yesterday that WE were embarrassed of OUR moms? We can't be old enough to have that start yet.

I'm lucky though because I have three boys first, and it takes boys longer to be embarrassed by their moms, I think.

JN Designs said...

Gotta love kids! My girls are starting to do that to me too.

megalonis said...

I remember the day that happened.
i wasnt there but i know because my mom kept bugging me and saying
Are you embarresed when i come in your classroom?
over and over again

Annette Rose said...

OH NO! Really? Already? This is not good. I totally remember being embarrassed of my mom... I never want that to happen. Maybe Melanie is right, that it takes boys longer. I helped in Ky's class (1st grade) and he was still pretty excited. I do not want to be THAT mom though. I can't believe what Chase said. That is TOO FUNNY though. Sorry... at least you got a good laugh though, right?

DeAynne said...

Oh to put them in a bubble and never let them out!! How I hate that they are growing up so fast. Thank you for sharing and know that you are not alone in this battle. By the way, I love your background. You are awesome. How are you guys doing???

The Giffords said...

You are the best. But were are the pictures to go with the parade and embarrassment!! ha ha Miss you!

Joy said...

Yeah...I forgot the camera. Its the story of my life. It would have only been the back of Brookelynn's head anyway :)