Thursday, February 21, 2008


Hi everyone. For those of you who haven't heard there was an earthquake here this morning. The epicenter was about 50 miles from here so it was fairly minor for us. We felt it and the chandeliers were swinging a little bit, but that's about it. Apparently it was a 6.3 on the Richter Scale at the epicenter and caused quite a bit of damage there. But none here that I have heard.

I have had several calls this morning asking if Beau was at work. We are all thankful that he was not. (Some of you may not know that he works in an underground mine.) The mine he works in is another 30-40 miles away from the epicenter. And, there haven't been any reports of damage in any of the other mines around, so all is well!


Mary said...

Hi. My name is Mary Mecham. I am DeAynne Baker's sister. She is here visiting with family and asked me to post on you blog to make sure you guys were ok. She says hello and glad to hear everyone is ok.

Dyana said...

I am happy to hear you all are ok....Love you, Joy!

Melanie said...

Man, car wrecks, earthquakes....what kind of crazy place did you move to?! ;)

I saw it on the news this morning and wondered if you felt it. Glad it wasn't any worse!

Annette Rose said...

Ok, Mel is right... should we be concerned for the safety of our good friend Joy? Glad you are ok?

Dawn said...

I heard about that this morning! I did not know that you were so scarey. I am glad everyone is okay and you didn't have any damage!

Annette Rose said...

Hey, Dawn & Joy! So Kareen just set up a blog site. I have a link on my blog if you want to check it out. Her kids are adorable!