Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Top 10 Tuesdays...Barack Obama

So, I dropped the ball yesterday (Tuesday). But here is my top 10 list a day late...

Like many others I have been thinking a lot about the candidates for President. I am drawn to Obama but have my reservations. I like John McCain too...but doesn't it seem that most recently the Republicans have made a mess of things? If Hilary had won the nomination I would be among the staunchest of McCain supporters. Now, though I am just so confused...what I share below is nothing new...sorry to bore. But if you have an opinion on any of it I would love to hear. So here is my list.

Top 10 things that are swaying my opinion for the election with regards to Obama...

10. Is Obama just a whole lot of talk??? He is so inspiring but he has so little experience.

9. Jeremiah Wright and William Aires...Personally, I am sick of hearing their names. I think talk radio has gone way overboard on them. Of course they are crazy...but Obama has denounced their words and actions til he is blue in the face and I only mention them because I think (unlike MANY others) Obama has handled the controversies over them in the best possible way.

8. With Obama and a democrat run congress, there will be virtually no chance of expansion of charter schools, vouchers and more parent choice which I am a huge supporter of...but isn't that a more local issue anyway???

7. I have never been a huge Bill Clinton fan but he was a great success economically. He was far more responsible with our national debt that Bush has been. Does the deficit scare the tar out of anyone else? It is a little disconcerting that Washington spending is out of control and there doesn't seem to be much hope for that to change. What happens if our country goes bankrupt?? Eek!

6. Born Alive Infants Protection Act As a senator in Illinois in 1999, Obama blocked this bill from getting a hearing. The bill basically says (from my limited understanding) that if a baby who a doctor is trying to kill through partial birth abortion is "accidentally" born alive, it has a right to its life and has rights to constitutional protection. In other words, the act would ensure that a doctor doesn't just kill the baby outside the womb if he failed to kill it inside. What kind of doctor would kill a viable baby in or outside the womb??? As if early-term abortion were not bad enough. This I will never understand. And, why would Barack Obama not want to protect babies? Don't understand this either but I would love to hear what he has to say about it.

5. Will he pick Hilary as his VP? I just can't see it...but if he does my decision will be easy...I wouldn't vote for him.

4. Michelle Obama. I was really on the "where does she get the nerve" wagon after her "this is the first time in my adult life that I have been really proud of my country" debacle until today. She co hosted today on The View and for those that didn't see it, she explained what she meant. She said that in the context of her speech, she was referring to being proud about the political process and not that she had never been proud of her country at all. She seemed very likable on the show today and I have come away very impressed.

3. Health care and the expansion of other social programs. When the national debt is in the trillions...can we really afford this? Um, no. Taxes, taxes, taxes. Also, Sean Hannity asked a great question on his program of those that advocate federally mandated and/or funded health care. He asked what current or past government program will they model it after that has been truly successful??? There's no good answer because there isn't one, is there?

2. The war. Isn't it time to tone it down and come home to take care of the huge issues that we have at home. With such a large portion of our troops on the other side of the world it makes me a little uneasy that we are left a little unprotected. Will having an intimidating military show embolden extreme Islam or weaken it. I think it will strengthen it. Lets spend the billions that is currently being spent on the war on rehabilitating wounded soldiers, on paying off our national debt, on research for alternative fuels, building new refineries, preparing to drill for oil domestically, on strengthening our economy. Continuing in Iraq at the current level seems like lunacy to me. Am I missing something?

1. Oil. I heard the other day that we have more oil in Alaska, off our shores, in the south, and in the most recent discoveries in Utah, Colorado and the Dakotas than in the entire middle east and Venezuela combined. Huh??? Why are we not drilling at home. Why is it OK to use foreign oil that had to have disrupted an ecosystem of some kind but not OK to do in the most responsible way here? I just don't get it. I don't know that it makes any difference who gets in the white house on this issue because it doesn't look like anything in congress will change and they have blocked any effort to drill off-shore (as recently as today...did you hear the President this morning?) and in Anwar (vetoed by Bill in the '90's when we did have a republican congress).

It is so easy to feel hopeless that the things that should be different will change. Maybe that is why I am drawn to Obama's epithets of "Hope" and "Change" even if the picture he sees as a better tomorrow is very different from my own.

What to do???


Melanie said...

An Obama-led country really scares me. Mostly because of his lack of experience in...well....anything! I never thought I'd see the day when I would root for Hilary Clinton over anybody, but it has happened with him.

The two things that scare me the most with him: 1)His socialistic policies and his socialistic connections

2) Negotiating with terrorists! This article explains how I feel about that...

Yes, he is a very smooth talker and he's charming and people are drawn to him. The media is so gung-ho for him and they are doing all they can to influence the voters in his direction. Isn't that why Hilary lost? I heard she actually had the most popular votes. I don't think she had a chance against Obama's psycho media campaign. Poor McCain doesn't have much of a chance against it either, I fear...

I know our country is in sad shape, but I worry that the kind of "hope" and "change" he is promoting will just make us 10 times worse.

JN Designs said...

wow! Thanks for opening my eyes. I think this is a really hard choice this time around! Maybe you should go as a write in,lol? I wish Mitt were still in the running.

Joy said...

Maybe McCain will put Romney on the ticket with him. That would make my decision a lot easier.

Kareen Bailey said...

My vote - Obama! I am a democrat stuck on the wrong side of the state - Help! :)

Annette Rose said...

Oooohhh no.... Really? I can't quote sites like Melanie, but I whole heartedly agree with her from what I do know. I think we, the average run of the mill, not dirt poor people will be in a sore place if Obama is elected.

Its funny Kareen, what you said about being on the wrong side of the state... I always think I am a Republican in the wrong state. My vote never counts when it comes to presidential elections. Washington is always carried by left wing Seattle-ites. Its so frusterating to me.

So Terry, my brother is so knowledgable about the candidates, he's fun to talk to and full of insight. Although, I gotta say, you never really know what a candidate will be or do until they are elected. They can say whatever they want to say up to that point. And we only see & hear what the media wants us to see and hear.

So there are my two cents....